Thai Language Center : The First Thai Language Institution in the San Francisco Bay Area
Thai Language Center : The First Thai language institution in the San Francisco Bay Area




Saninuj Sawasdikosol� aka �Pong� or
P. Moral�, her pen name

2448 15th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94116, U.S.A.
Tel. (415) 242-1598, Fax. (415) 242-1590

       Saninuj Sawasdikosol Saninuj Sawasdikosol was born and raised in Thailand and has lived and worked in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1985. Saninuj has been involved in social work with both Thais and Americans for the past 2 decades. She is fortunate to have had a great many opportunities to learn about myriad service areas including social justice, vulnerable populations, legal, medical, and business arenas. Through her experiences she has developed a deep compassion to serve people in her community. In San Francisco, Thais and American all know that she is willing to help in any matter and that she can be reached 24/7. Moreover, she never says �NO� to anyone. She received several award of merits from Thai Association and also from the City of San Francisco. She is highly respected and well known in the bay area community. With her knowledge, sense of humor and bilingual public speaking ability, she has been invited and has participated for numerous Thai and American events. She has been invited to be the vice president of Northern California Thai Association and many board of member to numerous organizations and corporations. She is the first person to provide completed Thai language services, consultant services, and training services to the community. She is the only certified Thai language translator and interpreter in San Francisco. She is Food Safety Instructor who is able to teach the community in the Thai language. She also owns several businesses in San Francisco Bay Area including a language center, a consulting company, a training company, a travel agency, and a property rental agency. Her vision is to help everyone to learn and to be able to see the value of themselves; to be able to discern the difference between right and wrong; to know how to lead and to follow; and to live in peace and offer a helping hand to others. She strongly believes in business ethics, corporate governance, social responsibility, human rights, woman�s rights and in the promotion of green businesses. She most ardently works against domestic violence, abusive relationships, child labor, women/human trafficking and other unfair and illegal activities. With all these, her name has been listed in Who's Who in Executives and Professionals and Who's Who in Executives and Business since 2001. She is one woman you will want to meet!!



Education & Professional Licenses:

���� Doctor of Management Candidate
     Master of Business Administration in Marketing

     ������ University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut
     Bachelor of Business Administration in Personnel
     ������ Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand
     Certified Asian-American Business Consultant
    ������� Thai Language Center, San Francisco, California
     Certified Business, Legal, and Medical Translator and Interpreter
     ������ Thai Language Center, San Francisco, California
     Certified Food Safety Instructor
     ������ National Restaurant Association, Educational Foundation, Chicago, Illinois
     Certified Trainer of Managing Workplace Conflict
     ������ Mediation Training Institute International, Seattle, Washington
     Dealing with Difficult People & Difficult Situations Certificate
     ������ The Program On Negotiation At Harvard Law School, Harvard University,           ������ Boston, Massachusettes
     ISO 9000 Series, Quality Standards and Implementation,
     Internal Auditing and Lead Assessors Certificate

    ������� San Jose State University, San Jose, California
     Managing Workplace Conflict Certificate
    ������� Mediation Training Institute International, Seattle, Washington
     Negotiation for Senior Executives Certificate
    ������� The Program On Negotiation At Harvard Law School, Harvard University,     ������� Boston, Messachusette
     Notary Public of the State of California
    ������� Secretary of State, State of California
     OXFORD Leadership Development Program
     ������ Oxford Leadership Academy, Oxford, England
     ServSafe, Food Protection Manager Certificate
     ������ National Restaurant Association, Educational Foundation, Chicago, Illinois

Honors & Awards:

    2007 Bay Area Professional American Business Woman    
    2007 Who's Who in Executives Women and Professionals    
    2006 Who's Who in Executives and Professionals    
    2005 Who�s Who in Executives and Professionals
    2004 Who�s Who in Executives and Professionals
    2003 Award of Merit, Thai Association of Northern California
    2003 Who�s Who in Executives and Professionals
    2002 Who�s Who in Executives and Businesses
    2001 Who�s Who in Executives and Businesses
    2000 Award of Merit, City of San Francisco, California
    2000 Award of Merit, Thai Association of Northern California
    1999 Appreciation Award, Women & Children Association, San Francisco, California
    1997 One of a Kind Award, Business Woman Society, San Francisco, California
    1995 Aloha Maui Award, Asian Business Foundation, Hawaii
    1994 Privilege Award, U.S. Airline Association, San Francisco, California

Present Professional Positions:�

     Board of Directors: �Thai Cultural Culture of Northern California
     Executive Director: �Thai Language Center, San Francisco, California
     Executive Director: �Oxford Leadership Academy � Sripatum University, Bangkok
     President: �JP Moral, San Francisco, California
     President: �San Travel Service & Business Consultants, San Francisco, California
     Business Editor: �Siam News Newspaper, San Francisco, California
     Educational Consultant: �Language Pacifica, Palo Alto, California
     Food Safety Instructor: �National Restaurant Association, Educational Foundation, Chicago, Illinois

Professional Topics Lecture:�

     Asian-American Culture and Politics Program
          Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
     Conflict Resolution
          Applied Psychology Institute (ʶҺѹ�Ե�Է�Ҥ�����蹤�), Bangkok, Thailand
          Thai Military Finance Department (�ӹѡ�ҹ��Ǩ�ѭ�աͧ�Ѿ��), Bangkok,               Thailand
     Cross Culture Conflict while Working Aboard
          CISCO, San Jose, California
          Hewlett Packard (HP), Santa Clara, California
     Cross Culture Leadership Training�
          Global Smart, San Francisco, California
���� CSR in Asian Business
��������� Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
��������� University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, California
���� CSR: The New Key of Success
��������� Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
���� ���� Global Smart, San Francisco, California
���� CSR Leader
����������San Jose State University, San Jose, California
��������� University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California
     Discrimination and Leadership Conflict in Asian Culture�
          AT&T, San Jose , California     
          Global Smart, San Francisco, California
     Doctor and Patient Communication�
          Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
�    Food Safety for Restaurant
          National Restaurant Association, Educational Foundation, Chicago, Illinois
          Thai Restaurant Members, Northern California
     ISO9000 in Asian Point of View

          San Jose State University, California
     Leadership & Conflict Resolution
          Airport of Thailand (AOT), Bangkok, Thailand
          CISCO, San Jose, California
     Leading with purpose, vision and values
�������� Oxford Leadership Academy, Oxford, England
         Sripatum University, Bangkok, Thailand
    The Leader without Conflict
          Lincoln University, San Francisco, California
     Organization and Leadership
          University of San Francisco, California
     Path to Leadership
          Sripatum University, Bangkok Thailand
     ServSafe Food Protection Manager Training and Certification
          National Restaurant Association, Educational Foundation, Chicago, Illinois
          Restaurant Association, San Francisco , California
          San Francisco Department of Public Health, San Francisco , California
          Sonoma Department of Public Health, Sonoma, California
�� � Social Responsibility in Education
          Board of Educational Affairs, San Francisco, California
���� Social Responsibility in�University Policy
          San Francisco Sate University, San Francisco, California
     Sexual Harassment
          Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
     Team Work and Leadership
          Thai Military Finance Department (�ӹѡ�ҹ��Ǩ�ѭ�աͧ�Ѿ��), Bangkok,                 Thailand
          Intel, Santa Clara , California
     Team Work & Time Management
Chulalongkorn University , Bangkok , Thailand
          Lincoln University , San Francisco , California         
          San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California
     Thai Language for Travelers
          Harvey's Milk Institute, San Francisco, California
          Thai Language Center, San Francisco, California
     Translation & Interpretation Technique
          San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California
          Triam Udom Suksa School , Bangkok , Thailand
     Woman's Rights
          Harvey's Milk Institute, San Francisco, California
          Stanford University , Palo Alto , California

Other Experiences:�

�� ��Fund Raising Committee �
          Asian Women's Shelter, San Francisco, California
     Interpreter and Translator �
          Public and Private sectors in USA
� �� Interpreter Coordinator �
          International Association University President, USA
     Language Consultant �
          Thai Association of Northern California, San Francisco, California
     Language Instructor �
          Harvey Milk Institute, San Francisco, California
    ������Thai Language Center, San Francisco, California
          Wellness Center, San Francisco, California
�� � Marketing Analyst
          Copyrose, San Francisco, California
     Marketing Consultant �
          Expert Travel Co., Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand
          Tran Global, Inc., San Francisco, California
     Master of Ceremony �
          Special celebration for Wat Buddhapradeed, San Francisco, California
          Special occasions for Thai Community, San Francisco, California
          International Culture Seminar, City of San Francisco, San Francisco, California
     Senior Columnist �
          Siam News New Thai-American Business and Professional Club, San Francisco,           California
     Vice President
          Thai Association of Northern California, San Francisco, California
          Thai Cultural Culture of Northern California, San Francisco, California
          Public and private sectors in USA

Copyright . 1994 - 2008 All Rights Reserved by Thai Language Center, San Francisco